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Response To Intervention

Rachel Beasley

Rachel Beasley

Jill Beaubien

Jill Beaubien

Jan Cross - Igwe

Jan Cross

Alethea Rhodes

Alethea Rhodes


RTI is a multi-tiered instructional approach designed as an early intervention to help identify students with academic and/or behavior problems.  The purpose or goal is to distinguish between students whose academic difficulties stem from experiential and instructional deficits, as opposed to a learning disability, therefore preventing unnecessary referrals to special education.  

RTI is our best hope to provide every child with additional time and support needed


Through early screening of all students to identify those at risk for academic difficulties (Screenings / Benchmarks used may be DIBELS, iReady, informal phonics and/ or decoding inventories, alphabet inventories, etc.)

Through regular monthly progress monitoring

By providing timely, targeted, systematic interventions to all students who demonstrate need through POI (Pyramid of Intervention)

Intervention Levels and Guidelines

Tier 1

Primary Instruction

Classroom teachers should provide effective academic and/or behavior instruction / support for all students daily using a research-based core program aligned with state standards.  

Tier 2

Secondary Interventions

Consists of children who fall below expected levels of accomplishment and are at some risk for academic failure, but who are still above levels considered to indicate high risk for failure.

Tier 3

Intensive Interventions

Consists of children who are considered to be high risk for failure and, if not responsive, are considered to be candidates for identification as having special education needs.

Tier 4

Referral to Special Education

Special Education consists of students who have an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) and receive multiple accommodations in a small group setting.