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Grade 4

Naketris Hall - Math

Naketris Hall

Dr. Cabrala Reddick - Guided Reading

Cabrala Reddick

Stephanie Joyner - Science

Stephanie Joyner

Davont'e McCall - English and Social Studies

Davonte McCall

Daily Instructional Schedule 2023 - 2024

Time Activity
7:20 - 8:00 Morning Work and Homeroom
8:00 - 8:10 Morning Meeting
8:00 - 9:05 Instruction Block 1
9:05 - 9:35 LASSO Time
9:40 - 10:25 Connections (Art, Music, PE, STEM)
10:30 - 11:00 Science/Social Studies
11:10 - 11:30 Recess
11:50 - 12:22 Lunch
12:30 - 1:55 Instruction Block 2
1:55 - 2:05 Independent Reading

Homework Policy

Homework will be assigned daily in math and language arts.  Students are expected to read AR books each night as well as the current Story Selection.