Art Photos
Art Links
For EVERYONE: This awesome website is full of hundreds of "how-to" art videos, mostly drawing videos, some painting, sculpture and even origami videos. Explore this website and I guarantee you will have a lot of ART FUN and increase your art skills too!
For 4th-5th Grade: Hey Everybody! Want to create a really cool Optical Illusion artwork? All you need is a piece of paper and pencil and then click on this website. It's easy and fun!
For ALL grades K-5: Practice your drawing and painting skills with this website. Have fun creating your designs!
For 3rd - 5th Grade: Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the most famous artists in the world. He was not only a painter, but an inventor, scientist, sculptor, and many more things. Learn all about him in this website.
All grades: Practice your drawing skills with this website. It allows you to watch the drawing videos step by step so you can draw at your own pace! Have fun!
All grades: This website has all kinds of fun art projects from drawing lessons, to cardboard crafts, weaving, paper mache and even ceramics! You can browse by grade level or by medium.